Distinguished Arrowman Award
The New Horizons Chapter Distinguished Arrowman Award recognizes those Arrowmen who:
- strive to live up to the values of the Scout Oath & Law and the OBLIGATION of the Order (supporting one’s Lodge, Chapter, and Brothers); and, cheerfully serving others above oneself; and,
- have made a significant contribution in one or more of the area(s) that fulfill the PURPOSE of the Order. Specifically, this includes: promoting and maintaining camping tradition, responsible outdoor adventure, and environmental stewardship; developing leaders (including oneself) with the willingness, character, spirit, and ability to lead effectively; and, crystallizing the Scout habit of helpfulness into a life purpose of leadership in cheerful service to others.
All nominees must be currently registered in or with the New Horizons District AND with the Shawnee Lodge. An Arrowman may NOT self-nominate.
2022 Nominations Must be Submitted by Friday, December 10th for the February Chapter Banquet
- Any Arrowman (youth or adult) in good standing (registered with/in the New Horizons District AND the Shawnee Lodge) may nominate any other Arrowman. Youth membership includes those under the age of 21.
- The current Officers and Adviser may not be nominated during their term as they are the members of the Selection Committee.
- The Nomination form is on the New Horizons Chapter website under the Recognitions tab (below) and can be filled out and submitted on-line. Nomination forms can be printed and emailed to the Chapter Chief and Adviser.
- Fill out the form to the best of your ability and knowledge. Nominators are on their honor to provide accurate information and to be conservative in their estimates.
- Nomination forms must be received by a date set by the Chapter Chief each calendar year. Recipients will be recognized at the February Chapter Banquet.
- An additional Letter of Support is welcome but is not required. This can be forwarded to the Chapter Chief/Chapter Advisor.
- Evaluation will be based on having a consistent record of being active in the Order of the Arrow AND either a significant contribution in one or more areas of the Purpose of the Order (over and above what typically would be considered as a “normal” expectation), or long-term contribution (“body of work”) in one or more of these areas which demonstrates consistency and/or a renewed devotion to the ideals of Scouting and the Order of the Arrow.
The form provides descriptions of the information being requested. Please note that if you are making a nomination based on a long-term “body of work,” it is recommended that if you include information from Cub Scouts that you stay consistent:
- For Youth and Adults, if you include the number of years in any branch of the overall BSA program under “Years in Scouting,” be sure to also include all related Resident Camps attended under “Years Attended Resident Camp.”
- For Adults, include Youth Leadership positions as well as all Adult Leader positions from any branch of the overall BSA program under “List All Other Youth and/or Adult Leadership Positions Held.”
To view past Distinguished Arrowman, click here.
To get the New Horizons OA Scouting Resume form, here