Brotherhood Information
The Brotherhood Honor
When an Ordeal member has developed a thorough understanding of the Ordeal, it is only right for him to seal his membership in the Order. He does this by undergoing a second ordeal, but one administered and evaluated solely by himself. Having seen the Arrow, he judges his past service and reaffirms his belief in the high purpose of the Order. The ability to suffer cheerfully in brotherhood while taking up the heavy burden of additional responsibility is the hallmark of the Brotherhood member. His induction to the Order of the Arrow now complete, he commits himself to make a special effort to render even more service to Scouting and his fellow man. Although a Brotherhood member’s primary obligation remains with his Troop, he pledges service to the Lodge as the price of additional insight. The Brotherhood trail requires a minimum of 10 months to complete.
All Ordeal members are encouraged to seal their membership in the Order of the Arrow by becoming a Brotherhood member. All Brothers who receive their Ordeal membership and meet the following requirements are eligible for the Brotherhood Honor. For a downloadable copy of the Brotherhood Card, click here.
Brotherhood Requirements:
- Be an active member of the Order of the Arrow for at least 6 months.
- Complete all requirements on the progress card. For a copy of the progress card click here.
- Be able to answer all the questions in the Brotherhood questionnaire. The questionnaire is offered at both the Spring Conclave and the Fall Reunion each year. The answers to the questions can be found in the Pre-Ordeal and Ordeal Ceremonies. Please Reference the Brotherhood Questioning Study Guide
- Also at the Spring Conclave or the Fall Reunion, submit a written statement of rededication regarding one of the following:
- How does the Brotherhood Honor affect my duties and responsibilities as a member of the Order of the Arrow?
- What new meaning does the word Brotherhood have to me now that I am a candidate for the Brotherhood Honor?
- In the future, how can I better serve my friends and Scouts, through brotherhood, cheerfulness, and service?
- After you pass the questioning and submit your statement of rededication at the Spring Conclave or the Fall Reunion, you will need to pay the fee for the Brotherhood Honor, and then you will need to attend the Brotherhood Ceremony held on Saturday evening at either the Spring Conclave or the Fall Reunion.
If you have any questions about the Brotherhood process, or are just looking for more information, please contact the Broterhood Conversion Chair or the Chapter 2nd Vice Chief.